Video Game Crushes: Quistis Trepe

Final Fantasy VIII was the first RPG I played that had an explicit love story at the center of its plot. Others had hints of romance, but you mostly had to create your own romantic relationships in your mind if you wanted that to be a part of your story. Having said that, FFVIII was also the first game that made me wish I could actually choose my romantic partner, as the BioWare games would go on to become famous for. Don’t get me wrong, Rinoa would make a fine partner, but I found myself being angry at the game for not letting me date Quistis Trepe, the talented, smart, badass Garden instructor.


There’s a reason she has a fan club. She was so capable that she became a SeeD at 15 and had classes full of students her own age at 18. I don’t have anything against wilting flowers, but there’s something so attractive about a woman that is that intelligent, accomplished, and strong. When she almost made a pass at me (as Squall), early in the game, and the game forced me to dismiss her coldly, I was furious. How is this not the woman I’m supposed to be with? Her aesthetic is beautiful and bookish, stoic and stylish. She can be stern and serious, and compassionate and playful. She has a freaking whip. Those glasses! That hair! Ugh. I swear, if they ever remake FFVIII, I want options to socialize and romance different people, like in the Persona and BioWare games. I know they won’t, I know, but I want it. Trepies for life.

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